

Dear respondent, MISA Zambia conducts a quarterly review of the state of the
media in Zambia, detailing trends in the political, legal, economic and
technological operating environment. In this regard, your assistance and
input by response to the questions below will be of utmost help in compilation
of reports for the first and second quarters of 2020. Ensure to give as much
information as clearly as possible. The information collect is solely for the
purpose of the State of the Media reports.
Name ……………………………………………………………..
on demand)

(To be withheld

1. How would you describe the level of freedom of expression online in the
first and second quarters of 2020 i.e. politically, economically and the
technological environment?
2. Did the gassing incidents affect your work as a journalist? How? Why?
3. Did the Coronavirus outbreak and the new normal inhibit your work as
a journalist? How? What strategies did you use mitigate the effects?


Media Alerts and Communiques (Quarter One and Two)

Alert-30th January
Life Gospel Ministries International general overseer Joseph Kazhila has
pleaded not guilty to one count of seditious intentions. Bishop Kazhila 61,
was arrested on 24th January for seditious intentions.
Particulars of the offence are that Bishop Kazhila, of plot number 4471B
Riverside, did incite violence when he called on residents of Chingola on the
local radio station to arm and defend themselves against ritual killers. He was
picked up from the radio station by police and had since been in custody.
Bishop Kazhila appeared before magistrates’ court yesterday and granted
k5000 bail.
pg. 50

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