platforms have for the enhancement of information dissemination. This is
important especially given the knowledge economy in which the world is. It is
critical that all stakeholders prepare the nation to join the information super
highway as opposed to delinking from it through application of draconian
legislation and constant threats.
Going forward, media bodies should continue to engage government and other
stakeholders, such as the Independent Broadcasting Authority, Electoral
Commission of Zambia, Zambia Police and many others to ensure certain
measures are put in place for the improvement of the State of the Media in
the country.
5.0. Recommendations
Review of laws inimical to freedom of expression
There is need for review of laws that continue to hinder the
enjoyment of freedom of expression and other civil liberties as
guaranteed by the Constitution. Some of these laws include the law
on defamation of the President. Such laws continue to hinder the
work of journalists and citizens alike particularly on online spaces.

Enforcement of the Electoral Code of Conduct. Stakeholders,
including the ECZ must ensure provisions of the Code are enforced
with specific consideration of journalists who bear the brunt of
electoral violence and attacks. This is critical because the country
will soon commence activities of the electoral cycle such as voter
registration and delimitation. Given the patterns observed in the first
two quarters of 2020, it is important that enforcement of the Code is
upped during the forthcoming elections and dialogue meetings
arranged to educate electoral players on the need to safeguard media


Need for professionalism and adherence to media ethics
There is need for the media (both public and private) to adhere to
professional codes of journalism and basic tenets such as objectivity,
balance, fairness and the public interest. These tenets are critical if

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