economy. It is therefore important that government introduces more sectorspecific packages such as those extended to the arts sector through the
Ministry of Tourism and Arts.
The economic environment, thus, remained unstable throughout both
quarters and this negatively affected the media industry.
3.3. Technological Environment and Freedom of Expression Online
The two quarters did not have many occurrences in the technological
environment and freedom of expression online. The impact of the COVID-19
pandemic affected the means of gathering information in view of the
restrictions on public gatherings, the need for social distancing and other
preventive measures. As such, media houses had to rely on alternative means
to gather information and conduct interviews-including the use of virtual
meeting platforms to host sources on radio and TV programmes42. One such
programme is Night Live which is aired on Diamond Television and utilised
Zoom Meetings to host guests and run expert debates.

This was also

confirmed by some of the journalists interviewed. For example, Mweemba
Banda, a practising journalist at Radio Maranatha in Kabwe had this to say:
The advent of Corona made work difficult; this led to cancellation and
halting of some programs, and news gathering moved from the
traditional way of interviewing sources to the use of social media
platforms such as WhatsApp and Facebook which have played a key
role in ensuring that information continues to flow
Another issue worth noting is a warning issued on 1st February by the
Independent Broadcasting Authority to broadcast media houses on the use of
social and online media for news. The warning followed coverage of outspoken
Prophet Andrew Ejimadu alias Seer One who held regular addresses on
various matters on his social media pages. The Lusaka Times online
publication carried the following:

pg. 37

Select target paragraph3