Government is so concerned about domestic debt owed to suppliers of
goods and services. That is why part of the money from this bond will be
used to pay off suppliers of goods and services, including the local
contractors. This is a deliberate effort by my government aimed at
ploughing back money in our local economy and enhancing economic
activity than letting our money go out of the country. Further, the money
realised from the bond will be utilised to support the small and medium
enterprises that will not be able to access the k10 billion medium term
refinancing facility through commercial banks which is managed by the
Bank of Zambia. With these measures, I expect the economy to reignite
to a positive growth trajectory.
The developments on the economic front affected the media sector which was
not spared by the shocks of the economy. This is because most of the media
inputs are imported at great cost and fluctuations in the exchange rates have
a negative impact as they increase the cost. Further, such an economic
downturn increases the daily operational costs encountered by media houses
in the process of news gathering and dissemination. It is therefore important
that measures are taken to protect the sector by introducing waivers on
critical media inputs and equipment in subsequent budgets to cushion the
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic volatility experienced in
the early part of the year and projected to continue for the rest of the year.
Additionally, with the deterioration of business conditions in the private
sector due to a reported decline in output and new orders because of
consumer spending came ripple effects on advertising revenue for media

This is a major concern with regard to sustainability of media

enterprises in Zambia and the need for diversification into other streams of
revenue to safeguard economic freedom, a critical tenet of press freedom.
Scholars such as Banda (2004)39 have highlighted the need to enhance the
sustainability of media enterprises in Zambia.


Media associations must

Banda, F. (2004). Newspapers and magazines in Zambia-a question of sustainability. Lusaka: MISA.
pg. 35

Select target paragraph3