to foster a conducive environment for media in the country. In any case, the
IBA (Amendment) Act of 201027 prescribes certain steps to be taken prior to
cancellation where a licensee does not renew the license by payment of certain
fees or undertaking of prescribed procedures. One such proviso is in Section
29 (2) which states that:
Where a broadcasting licensee does not comply with this Act or with the
conditions of the broadcasting license, the Authority shall notify the
broadcasting licensee of the measures that the broadcasting licensee
should undertake, within specified period, to comply with the conditions
of this Act or the broadcasting license.
Other Sub-sections under Section 29 seem to suggest further remedies prior
to outright cancellation, including written notice to comply with license
conditions/requirements as well as an opportunity to be heard.
The merits of the decision taken by the Authority can only be ably interpreted
by the courts. What is clear, nonetheless, is the good faith that the Act intends
to espouse prior to such cancellation in the interest of media development.
However, in the absence of evidence to show that the necessary consideration
and good faith was taken prior to cancellation, it only remains for many
stakeholders to speculate. In this regard, questions that arise include what
measures did the Authority take prior to outright cancellation of the license
in the interest of media development and promotion of a pluralistic, diverse
broadcasting industry?
Thirdly, the action taken against the station was also irregular given the swift
commandeering of the station by Police officers who were hastily deployed and
blocked access to the station, even for the proprietor Mr Gerald Shawa28. This
prompted institutions such as the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) to
issue an alert and reprimand29. The action by the Police was rather unusual


Available at
A news report carried in the 18:00hrs newscast on Muvi TV on 10th featured videos of Police at the station’s
entrance and interview with Mr Gerald Shawa, Prime TV Proprietor and his Lawyer, Mulambo Haimbe who had
been denied access to the station by the officers.
Read the CPJ statement here

pg. 28

Select target paragraph3