media tries to be credible, politicians are making it difficult for the media
to maintain that.
Another key informant, Joan Chirwa, a media rights activist and former
Managing Editor of The Post Newspaper observed that:
The standards are increasingly going down. Two sides to it: we have a
cadre of journalists that are in the profession for wrong reasons and
therefore do not care about ethics; then we have another cadre of
journalists that is dedicated to duty but their input is limited by their
organisations' lack of resources, poor salaries and lack of incentives
In an interview questionnaire administered during the compilation of this
report, the broadcast regulator, IBA equally bemoaned attacks on the media
fraternity stating that “More advocacy is needed to ensure that broadcasting
stations are not targeted for violent acts. There is need to engage various
stakeholders to respect the role of the media in our democratic state”24.
There is, therefore, need for tolerance among political stakeholders and more
so heightened efforts by concerned authorities such as the Zambia Police in
bringing perpetrators of violence to book. It is also important that media
adherence to ethical guidelines and professionalism is enhanced. Media must
ensure objectivity, balance, fairness and should always remain true to the
public interest. It is gratifying that in the same quarter, the Constitutional
Court urged the Electoral Commission of Zambia to exercise powers vested in
it to punish perpetrators of electoral violence. According to a court report
carried by News Diggers25, the Court held that the ECZ has wide powers under
the law to punish perpetrators of electoral violence which include, but are not
limited to, disqualifying a political party in breach of the Electoral Code of
Conduct from taking part in an election.
3.1.3. Socio-political and Legal Environment in the Second
The second quarter was equally marked by notable developments in the media
sector. The most striking occurrence was the de facto closure of Prime
Television in what was seemingly continuation of the breakdown in relations

IBA Director-Standards, compliance and consumer affairs, Eustace Nkandu
As published on 6th February, 2020. See

pg. 24

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