journalists, it was impossible to physically collect stories from different
areas/towns/communities for fear of being mistaken as one of the
gassers. Other than that, there was no protection whatsoever from the
state/police as they were too afraid of being victims of mob justice.
Another issue that is worth consideration in review of the first quarter of the
year is the move by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services
(MIBS) to restrict the issuance of statements and appearance on media
programmes by ambassadors and high commissioners, except with prior
clearance. This came against the backdrop of a litany of statements from press
secretaries from Zambian missions. In a letter written by the Permanent
Secretary, Ministry of Information Mr Amos Malupenga on 7th January, Heads
of the Zambia Daily Mail, Times of Zambia, ZNBC and ZANIS were restricted
from using any statement from Zambian missions abroad without prior
clearance from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stating that the move was
meant to ensure “proper organisation, coordination and consistency in
dissemination of information to the public”19.
While the motive of this action is acceptable, the act of directing public media
institutions on what should and should not be covered leaves much to be
desired. This amounts to structural censorship and could have a chilling
effect on the performance of these institutions20. Such directives could be
undertaken internally within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs while media
institutions should be allowed the editorial independence and autonomy to
operate and make their own judgement as long as it is within their established
editorial policy.
It is for this reason that civil society institutions like MISA have been
advocating for independence of public institutions as well as independent
appointment of heads of public media boards and management to avoid
scenarios in which the government is seen to have undue influence on their

Manchishi (2017)
pg. 21

Select target paragraph3