MISA Zambia wishes to call upon the government through the Minister
of Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Hon. Dora Siliya to
accept the apology from Mr. Shawa in his capacity as well as on behalf
of Prime TV as an institution and engage in dialogue that would benefit
both parties and turn a new page6.
The move by Prime TV received commendations from several sectors of
society. In a shock move, however, Topstar Communications Ltd. Removed
Prime TV on its bouquet of channels, claiming this was in compliance with
government’s directive for cessation of business with the TV station. Several
stakeholders condemned the move, with PANOS Institute issuing the
Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf) appeals to signal distributor Top
Star Communications Company Limited to reconsider its decision to
remove Prime Television from its platforms, and immediately reinstate the
station on the Top Star bouquet.
On Friday, 27 March 2020, Top Star said the company was “hereby
ceasing all forms of cooperation” with Prime TV, and that they were
removing the station from the Top Star platform “with immediate effect”.
The company said this action was taken in line with a Ministry of
Information directive for government agencies to terminate all business
transactions with the privately owned television station.
Panos believes private media actors such as Prime TV have an important
role to play in advancing Zambia’s development, complementing the
national broadcaster and other information actors to ensure increased
availability of and access to media and communication platforms by the
most affected and most vulnerable groups, and ensuring that information
is effectively used to drive development.
Given Prime TV’s position as a leading private broadcaster in Zambia, the
station provides an important platform for citizens to access and share
information on important issues. The removal of Prime TV from Top Star
may have far reaching negative effects on the station’s employees and
on the many citizens who rely on the TV station as their preferred channel
for accessing information.
At a time when the whole nation is focused on addressing the COVID-19
pandemic, the media has a duty to inform and educate citizens, raising
their awareness about the pandemic and providing them with
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