Bishi of Masvingo Mirror tried to take pictures of Bere as he left the court.
and Tawanda Mangoma of

Mudimu, Manhandled by supporters of the MDC-T while covering 14 May 2018
with The demonstrations at the party’s headquarters in Harare.

Mhlanga, Assaulted by Deputy Minister of Finance Terence 24 May 2018
NewsDay reporter.
Mukupe during a radio interview at the Zimbabwe
Broadcasting Corporation’s Spot FM Highlands studios
in Harare.
Charakupa, Assaulted by MDC-Alliance youths while taking pictures 15 July 2018
freelance journalist
of clashes between the party’s youths and those from
Zanu PF in Harare’s dormitory town of Chitungwiza.
Idah Mhetu,

freelance A soldier whipped Mhetu with electric cables while 1 August 2018
covering riotous demonstrations in Harare’s central
business district over delays in releasing presidential
election results.

Daniel Chigundu, freelance Stoned on the forehead when a crowd that had 1
gathered outside Rainbow Towers Hotel turned rowdy 2018.
and started hurling missiles. The crowd was trying to
force its way into the hotel grounds where the
Zimbabwe Electoral Commission had set up its
elections command centre.
Yeshiel Panchia, reporter Whipped by a soldier when the army was deployed to 2 August 2018
with European Pressphoto quell violent demonstrations in Harare.
Joseph Cotterill, Southern Butted with a riot shield by an anti-riot policeman when 3 August 2018
Africa correspondent with the police temporarily blocked the media from covering
Financial Times
an MDC-Alliance press conference at Bronte Hotel in
NewsDay and Zimbabwe Assaulted by unknown youths who went on to burn the 11 October
Independent vendors
newspapers. A total of 10 people were arrested in 2018
connection with the incident.
Panashe Makufa, journalist Makufa was assaulted by a plainclothes police officer 18 October
with online publication Mail from the law and order section while taking pictures of 2018
and Telegraph.
the police as they arrested illegal foreign currency
dealers at the Road Port regional bus terminus in
and Assaulted by the police who also confiscated their 11 December
Makufa, equipment while covering intra-party clashes among 2018
journalists with online MDC Alliance supporters in a car park outside Harare
and Central Police Station.

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