Privacy is a fundamental right which fosters the promotion, and protection of related rights such as the
right to freedom of expression. Any laws or policies which negatively impact on the right to privacy have
a negative impact on the right to freedom of expression in Zimbabwe.
It would therefore be sad for this important right to be inadequately protected under yet another
omnibus law such as the proposed Cybersecurity and Cybercrimes Act at a time when there is
unanimity on the inadequacies of AIPPA.

Way Forward in 2019

● Maintain momentum and pressure on repeal of the Access to Information and Protection of
Privacy Act (AIPPA) and Broadcasting Services Act (BSA): #AIPPAMustFall! #BSAMustFall!
● Increase and maintain pressure on the urgent need for transformation of the Zimbabwe
Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) into a truly independent public broadcaster.
● Pressurise the government of Zimbabwe to be transparent on the digital migration process and
allocation of resources under this exercise.
● Government and its security arms, as well as political parties should prioritise the safety of
● Demand and push for an end to impunity on crimes and violence against journalists.
● Engage state security arms in view of the media violations that occurred in Harare on the 1st of
August 2018.
● Maintain relations and engagements with the Zimbabwe Republic Police in implementing the
December 2017 media/police resolutions.
● Urge media training institutions to fine-tune journalism training curriculums to suit industry and
market needs.
● Promote the participation of women in decision making positions in the media industry and
ensure that they are remunerated on the same scales as their male counterparts.

❖ Conclusion

Select target paragraph3