More still needs to be done to ensure journalists conduct their lawful professional duties without
hindrance as the profession is critical to the free flow of information that enables citizens to participate
in governance issues.
Journalists safety and security
The safety and security of journalists is of paramount importance and steps should be taken to
domesticate the United Nations Plan of Action on Journalists Safety and the Issue of Impunity. This
plan of action contains three fundamental principles that can be summarised as the Three Ps.
The first P refers to Policies that governments must put in place to promote journalist’ safety. Such
policies come in different forms and may include government statements condemning crimes against
journalists and government policy frameworks that put measures that promote the safety of journalists.
The second P refers to the Protection of journalists in moments of immediate crisis. Such interventions
can be sponsored by either the State or civil organisations. For example, MISA Zimbabwe has a mobile
phone Application such as the JournoSOS App and the Media Defence Fund to provide emergency
assistance to distressed journalists.
Lastly, there should be Procurement of justice, which simply means that alleged crimes against
journalists are investigated and prosecuted as seriously as any other crimes. The United Nations
strongly believes that the implementation of these three fundamental principles will greatly reduce
impunity for crimes against journalists.

Access to Information/Freedom of Expression
Zimbabwe’s public institutions are still far from fulfilling their roles as holders of information that should
be released upon request and in the public interest.
The opaqueness and secretive nature of the country’s public institutions as revealed in surveys
conducted by MISA Zimbabwe over the years, risks standing in the way of President Mnangagwa’s
Zimbabwe is open for business mantra.
Business invests and thrives in an environment where relevant information is readily available as
opposed to situations where requests are subjected to tedious bureaucratic processes or worse still,
not being responded to.

Select target paragraph3