Why Secure
Every day, everywhere, digital technology is generating new possibilities; new ways to work and play, to transact
and interact. Our work, play, and personal lives revolve around computers, internet and mobile phones.
The benefits of technology are obvious – but there are security implications too. Potentially, the more we use
technology, the more the number of security risks for organisational and personal information. From bank
accounts to personal photos and messages, we all have data stored on digital devices and online accounts—and
also more to lose. All our private conversations are out there somewhere. But for those who were born with an
iPad in their hands, “digital security” might as well be a foreign language.
There are usually three technology related risks you might think about:
Information or Data Loss.
When your hard drive dies, your computer is affected by a power surge, your phone gets smashed,
or you lose your camera's data card, or even water or fire damage.
When affected by malware (malicious software). Some viruses can destroy data on your computer
or mobile device
When you forget your password.
Disclosure. Someone (or some people), learns something that you would prefer to keep private.
When your computer mobile device , flash disk , or SIM card is lost
When someone gets hold of your password to your computer service like email, cloud storage
(like drop box, Google drive)
Interruption. Your network connection stops working, you can't send an email, or your phone doesn't
have a signal.
When your hard drive dies, your computer is affected by Power surge, your phone gets smashed,
or you lose your camera's data card, or even water or fire damage.
When affected by malware (malicious software). Some viruses can destroy data on your computer
or mobile device.
When you forget your password.

Physical security related risks:
As we read in newspapers every day, the chances that your phone or laptop gets stolen are uncomfortably high.
So what would happen if your mobile device falls into the wrong hands? Before we talk about the different tips
and tricks to secure your computer or mobile device, keeping your device safe is the first step towards digital
Many people love to say that a stolen device occurrence is a one- off mishap, while for some, it is something that
never happens.
Here is what happened to Coca Cola, one of the largest and most recognised brands in the world and employer
of over 700 000 people. You would think that keeping the details and information of its employees and
customers would be of paramount importance, so much so that only an Ocean’s 11 style heist would be able to
pry such sensitive data from their grasp. Unfortunately, it seems as though a simple theft of a few unencrypted
laptops resulted in the loss of sensitive information for around 74 000 North American- based employees.
Do you know where your computer or mobile device is?
Do you know where and what we put on that USB sticks?


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