SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) – a standard security technology that allows sensitive information such as credit card
numbers, social security numbers and login credentials to be transmitted securely.
TLS (Transport Layer Security) – A protocol for encrypting web, email and other stream-oriented information
sent over the Internet. It is derived from the SSL protocol.
Tor (The Onion Router) – An anonymity tool that allows you to bypass Internet censorship and hide the websites
and Internet services you visit, while also disguising your own location.
Virus – a programme or code that replicates itself onto other files with which it comes into contact. Most viruses
only replicate, although many can do damage to a computer system or a user’s data as well.
VPN (Virtual Private Network) – A secure network that comes in handy when you surf on open Wifi networks in
cafés, libraries, etc. since it encrypts your Internet traffic, keeping it from prying eyes.


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