labels or tape over the joints of the phone. This will help you easily to identify whether any of these items
have been tampered with or replaced (e.g. the label or tape will be mis-aligned, or leave a noticeable
• Make sure that you are aware of the information that is stored on your SIM card, on additional memory
cards and in your phone's memory. Don't store sensitive information on the phone. If you need to store
such information, consider putting it on external memory cards that can easily be discarded when
necessary – don't put such details into the phone's internal memory.
• Protect your SIM card and additional memory card (if your phone has one), as they may contain
sensitive information such as contact details and SMS messages. For example, make sure that you do
not leave them at the repair shop when your phone is being serviced.
• When disposing of your phone make sure you are not giving away any information that is stored on it or
on the SIM or memory card (even if the phone or cards are broken or expired). Disposing of SIM cards
by physically destroying them may be the best option. If you plan to give away, sell or re-use your
phone make sure that all information is deleted.
• Consider using only trusted phone dealers and repair shops. This reduces the vulnerability of your
information when getting second-hand hand phones or having your phone repaired. Consider buying
your phone from an authorised but randomly chosen phone dealer – this way you reduce the chance
that your phone will be specially prepared for you with spying software preinstalled on it.
• Back up your phone information regularly to a computer. Store the backup safely and securely. This will
allow you to restore the data if you lose your phone. Having a backup will also help you remember
what information might be compromised (when your phone is lost or stolen), so you can take
appropriate actions.
• The 15-digit serial or IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number helps to identify your phone
and can be accessed by keying *#06# into most phones, by looking behind the battery of your phone
or by checking in the phone's settings. Make a note of this number and keep it separate from your
phone, as this number could help to trace and prove ownership quickly if it is stolen.
• Consider the advantages and disadvantages of registering your phone with the service provider. If you
report your phone stolen, the service provider should then be able to stop further use of your phone.
However, registering it means your phone usage is tied to your identity.

Basic functions, trackability and anonymity

In order to send or receive any calls or communications to your phone, the signal towers nearest you are alerted
by your phone of its presence. As a result of those alerts and communications the network service provider
knows the precise geographic location of your mobile phone at any given time.
If you are conducting sensitive phone conversations or sending sensitive SMS messages, beware of the above
tracking 'feature' of all mobile phones. Consider adopting the steps below:
• Make calls from different locations each time, and choose locations that are not associated with you.
• Keep your phone turned off, with the battery disconnected, go to the chosen location, switch your
phone on, communicate, switch the phone off and disconnect the battery. Doing this habitually, each
time you have to make a call, will mean that the network cannot track your movements.
• Change phones and SIM cards often. Rotate them between friends or the second-hand market.
• Use unregistered pre-paid SIM cards if this is possible in your area. Avoid paying for a phone or SIM
cards using a credit card, which will also create a connection between these items and you.
About eavesdropping
Your phone can be set to record and transmit any sounds within the range of its microphone without your
knowledge. Some phones can be switched on remotely and brought into action in this way, even when they


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