How do I control who sees posts and photos that I am tagged in on my Timeline?
To choose who can see posts you’ve been tagged in after they appear on your Timeline:
1. Click at the top right of any Facebook page and select Settings
2. In the left-hand column, click Timeline and Tagging
3. Look for the setting Who can see posts you have been tagged in on your Timeline? and click Edit to
the far right.
4. Choose an audience from the dropdown menu
The default setting for Twitter is to allow anyone to follow you and you to be able to follow anyone whose
account isn't protected. They can read your tweets plus any tweet with your name in it, you can read theirs plus
any tweet with their name in it. Your profile is open to public view, along with your list of followers and those you
To let only people you approve follow your tweets, "Protect" your tweets through Settings and then the Account
tab. Check "Protect my tweets" and click the "Save" button. You will then receive e-mails letting you know that
someone wants to follow you, and you can okay them after looking at their profiles.
If you protect your account later, it won’t protect you from people who followed you before you protected it. So,
go back through your followers and weed out unsavoury characters you now don't want to follow or who have
followed you.
If you don’t automatically protect your tweets, consider periodically gleaning your followers and those you
follow to clean out spammers and other unsavoury accounts.
If someone unsavoury follows you or interacts with you unfavourably, you can block them. Click on their name
(that will take you to their profile page) and look for the "block" link on their page.
The default setting for YouTube is that the videos that you post are viewable for the public, anyone can post a
comment about your videos, anyone can see your profile, and anyone can message you. You can change those
settings if you choose, and you can block users.
To make changes to the default settings, sign in to your YouTube account and under your name at the top of the
page, select "Account". That will take you to the "Overview" page.
Under Profile, you can decide how much personal information to divulge.
Under Privacy, you can change search and contact restrictions and make advertising settings.
Under Sharing, you can change activity feeds and auto share options.
Under Customize Homepage, you can change what modules you want to see on your YouTube page.
While in Overview, under More > Edit Channel you can decide whether to allow others to find your channel (your
account) if they have your e-mail address.
If someone is making comments about your videos that you find distasteful, block their comments by clicking the
"Block User" button in the "Connect with" box in their profile. You can block everyone from commenting, too.
To make a video that you've uploaded private, go to Account > Uploaded Videos and choose the video(s) you
want to make private. Under the "Broadcasting and Sharing Options" section, find the "Privacy" options and click
the little black arrow to see the option to make the video public or private.


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