Therefore, it’s vital for you to actually check your account settings to delete suspicious filters. The check is real
easy. As usual, you just need to log into your Gmail account, then after clicking the gear-like icon, choose Settings
>Filters to check and delete the Filter you didn’t put there before.
You will also need to check the “Forwarding and POP/IMAP” tab as well to confirm that there is no foreign
forwarding address included in this tab apart from those assigned by you. Do perform a check on these stuff
when you feel that something unusual is going on in your account. Your prevention methods will save you from
experiencing problems in the future.

Security on social networks
Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networks have become an integral part
of online lives. Social networks are a great way to stay connected with others, but you should be wary about
how much personal information you post.
A number of Zimbabweans have been arrested for various posts on social networking sites and for messages
on poplar whatsapp plartform.
We share a wealth of information about ourselves on our social media platforms. We snap perfectly posed
selfies, check in at happy hours, tweet at our friends, and announce the arrival of bouncing new babies. The
benefits and joys of social media are numerous, but there are privacy risks to consider as well.
No matter which service you use, it’s incumbent on you to find out where these settings live (Google is your
name in that regard). Once you find them, the most important settings to look for are:
• Who can read your profile;
• Who can see your posts and activities;
• What information is shared with external sites and businesses;
• Which applications can access your data;
• What information your friends can share about you;
• Who can see your pictures and/or location;
• Which sites integrate with your social network (for example, Facebook’s Like feature).
Most services allow you to control tiered privacy levels: one for friends (or immediate contacts); friends of friends
(or second-degree contacts); third-parties; or everyone in the world.
Facebook security and privacy settings
Basic Privacy Settings & Tools
Selecting an Audience for Stuff You Share
When I post something, how do I choose who can see it?
You'll find an audience selector tool most places you share status updates, photos and other things you post.
Click the tool and select who you want to share something with.


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