This Digital Security guide is
produced by the Media Institute of
Southern Africa – Zimbabwe
Chapter (MISA-Zimbabwe), as part
of its Broadcasting and Information,
Communication Technologies (ICT)
As an organisation that advocates
freedom of expression through
diverse and free communication
platforms, MISA-Zimbabwe
recognises the internet as a critical
platform for Zimbabweans to share
information and access information.
Zimbabwe’s media space remains
highly constricted owing to a
number of challenges that include
the legislative environment and the
economic decline in the country.

This leaves the internet as an
alternative platform- particularly
with the rise in internet penetration
in the country over the past

looking at whether individuals can
control and protect, with the basic
default privacy settings, footprints
of sensitive information and

While access to the internet has
also implied that new communication technologies such as mobile
phones, tablets and laptops are
relatively cheaper and even
more-user friendly, they have also
become more difficult to
understand, particularly when it
comes to issues of security and
privacy. There are also concerns
about who owns data when it is
created and published online.
These concerns are even greater
for the media, particularly when

MISA-Zimbabwe through this
manual, is encouraging and urging
media practitioners – mainstream
and citizen journalists - as well as
online producers of content, to
secure their communication while
they exercise their rights and
responsibilities of producing news
content without falling foul of the

Compiled by CNM Technologies for MISA Zimbabwe
With some information from www.securityinabox.org ;Microsoft Windows support; Facebook support;
Twitter support; Google chrome; Firefox browser.

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