Date: October 14, 2008
Institutions: Media
Violation/issue: Legislation

On October 11, the Lesotho Minister of Communications, Science and Technology, Mothejoa
Metsing, addressed a MISA Lesotho strategic planning meeting and stated that he was ready
to pass the media policy. Metsing said he had his “sleeves rolled up for the passing of the
media policy”, adding that his ministry is still waiting for consultants to bring back the draft
document that would be merged with the one that was developed by MISA Lesotho. MISA
Lesotho has been pushing for the adoption of a national media policy, which would be used
as a framework to develop the media, especially guaranteeing media freedom and developing
the broadcast and telecommunication sector.
Date: December 2, 2008
Institutions: MISA Lesotho and UNESCO
Violation/issue: Other

On November 28, Lesotho’s local newspaper MoAfrika attacked and remonstrated against
MISA Lesotho and UNESCO’s initiative to set up a radio station in Mafeteng, a district 93km
from the capital, Maseru. In its issue volume 17 No.48 of November 28, 2008, MoAfrika noted
in the editorial comment that by doing so, MISA Lesotho and UNESCO were helping the opposition in that constituency, which was won by the deputy Prime Minister Lesao Lehohla.
The paper remonstrated that MoAfrika FM, a private radio station owned by the same media
group as the newspaper, is already doing community broadcasting. Mafeteng has access to only
two radio stations in the country: state-owned Radio Lesotho and MoAfrika FM, which has
publicly declared its support for the ruling party and present government. The newspaper says
the community radio station seeks to “kunyula bo-Morgan Tsvangirai ba Lesotho nako e sa
le teng” (loosely translated: “to assist the Morgan Tsvangirais of Lesotho to campaign for the
next election”). The MISA Lesotho / UNESCO initiative would be the first community radio
station in Lesotho. All other radio stations are based in Maseru and do not address relevant
adequately community issues in the country, as all private radio stations broadcast only in a
50km radius, according to MISA Lesotho.

So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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