Main drivers/actors for positive change:
o The Media Alliance of Zimbabwe, designed to focus efforts and project a united front
on media issues
o Lobbying shifted from international to African organisations (SADC, African Union)
o Opposition parties are more aware of dangers to freedom of expression
Possible obstacles for further development:
o The overall political environment
o Fear and intimidation
o Economic deterioration
o Weak opposition
o Government’s reluctance to involve citizens in political processes
o Uninformed and counterproductive statements by the international community likely
to jeopardize internal reform efforts
o Lack of interest of SADC and AU in media freedom issues
o Inadequate funding of civic society groups
Activities needed over the next few years:
o Better coordination of pro-democracy groups
o Journalists to form a united front across the political divide
o Mobilisation of communities for freedom of expression issues
o Strengthening of support for the Voluntary Media Council
o Intensifying of advocacy efforts in the SADC region

The panel meeting took place at the Holiday Inn, Mutare, January 18 - 20, 2008.
The Panel:
Loughty Dube - Media Institute of Southern Africa- Zimbabwe Chapter Chairperson
Emilar E Vushe – Media Monitoring Project of Zimbabwe
Vongai Tinarwo,
Patricia Magorokosho – Federation of African Media Women Zimbabwe
Earnest Mudzengi – National Constitutional Assembly
Stanford Matenda – Department of Journalism and Media Studies, NUST
Guthrie Munyuki – Journalist and media activist
Abigail Gamanya – Media Alliance of Zimbabwe
Lifaqane Nare - Journalist
The panel also had a practising journalist (male)
The Rapporteur:
Ms. Reyhana Masters
The Facilitator:
Mr. Hendrik Bussiek
So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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