
Training facilities offer formal qualification programmes for journalists
as well as opportunities to upgrade their skills.

There are a number journalism training institutions offering courses in the country. At Bachelors level, they include the University of Dar es Salaam, St. Augustine University, Tumaini
University and the Muslim University. Other training institutions also exist but lack facilities.
Some have been registered as business entities.
The panelists noted that despite there being many training institutions churning out graduates
each year, standards are still nose-diving. The panelists were emphatic that there is need for a
Media Standards Board that would set curriculum and examinations and ensure compliance
of standards. It was noted that such a body was proposed by the Government in its proposals
for the Media Services Bill and it has been endorsed by the Stakeholders who have proposed
changes to improve it.
It was also noted that there is need for in-service training/mid career training of journalists to
allow for upgrading of skills responsive to the current media market.
Individual scores:
Average score:


2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2

Journalists and other media practitioners are organised in trade unions
and/or professional associations.

There are a number of media organizations but many of them are not functioning well. The
Tanzania Union of Journalists (TUJ) is almost dead and does not enjoy the patronage of the
journalists who are reluctant perhaps to part ways with 2% of their salaries when they become
members. There is a great need for the journalists to organize themselves in trade unions so that
they can fight for better salaries and working conditions. By not organizing they shall forever
be exploited and their security of employment shall remain shaky at most.
Individual scores:
Average score:

2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3
(2006= 2.2)

Overall score for sector 4:

So This Is Democracy? 2008



(2006= 2.4)

Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3