
The body regulates broadcasting in the public interest and ensures
fairness and a diversity of views broadly representing society at large.

There is some inconsistency noted in the distribution of frequencies. One of the panelist cited
the case of the Tanzania Media Women’s Association (TAMWA) which had applied for a frequency but was denied because TCRA said the frequency spectrum for Dar es Salaam was full.
TAMWA was advised that if it wanted to establish a radio station outside Dar es Salaam, then
a frequency would be granted. However, TAMWA noted that even though they were denied a
frequency Passion FM which had applied after them got a frequency to broadcast in Dare es
salam. Habari Corporation was denied too. TCRA advised TAMWA to negotiate with TBC which
apparently was in possession many frequencies which they were not using. TAMWA declined.
It was noted that there is need to improve the services of the regulator so that it is seen to
regulate broadcasting in the public interest that promotes diversity.
Individual scores:
Average score:


2, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2
(2006= 3.0)

The body’s decisions on licensing in particular are informed by a
broadcasting policy developed in a transparent and inclusive manner.

Tanzania has an Information and Broadcasting Policy which was adopted in 2003, and which
was developed in a transparent manner with the participation of stakeholders. About 80 per
cent of the stakeholder’s recommendations were accepted by the Government.
An area which needs further engagement with the TCRA is to ensure that it adheres to the
spirit of the policy in licensing.
Individual scores:
Average score:


4, 2, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 4
(2006= 3.8)

The public broadcaster is accountable to the public through a board
representative of society at large and selected in an independent, open
and transparent manner.

The current Board of the public broadcaster -Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC)
comprises of Government officials. The Chairperson is appointed by the President and Board
members are appointed by the Minister. This structure does not give office bearers any accountability to the public.

So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3