
Efforts are undertaken to increase the scope of circulation of the print
media, particularly to rural communities.

The panellists noted that even though newspapers are started almost everyday, circulation is
still limited to regional centres and to a very small extent to district level. Also the ‘mortality’
rate of newspapers is very high and many fold up in the first year of operation because of a poor
economic base. There are very few banks that would provide loans for one to run a newspaper
as it is considered a high risk business. Some people also start newspapers without conducting
a feasibility study that would show how it would sustain itself economically.
There are a few newspapers that are published outside Dar es Salaam. They include Arusha
Times, Msanii Africa and Mzawa. Accessing the stories from rural areas is a problem and
much of what is written in the newspapers is from the urban areas. People want to read about
themselves so if you are to sell a newspaper to them then it would have to be about issues that
concern them.
Individual scores:
Average score:


1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2
(2006= 2.4)

Broadcasting legislation has been passed and is implemented that
provides for a conducive environment for public, commercial and
community broadcasting.

The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) Act of 2003 regulates the broadcasting sector. The law allows anybody to start a radio or TV station. The major hindrance
would be accessibility of frequencies; financial resources to start and sustain the radio or TV
Station. There are no special concessions for the establishment of community radio stations
and this could be the major hindrance as to why there are not many community radio stations
as compared to other countries in the region.
The panelists noted that Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC) is undergoing transformation to turn it into a fully fledged public broadcaster. The law establishing TBC states that it
is a public broadcaster and requires it to enter into a charter with the Government, to enable
it to fulfill its functions as a public broadcaster. So far the Charter has not been signed. More
information should be sought to establish the status of the Charter. The panelists conceded
that so far TBC is doing well because it has a strong CEO but not because there are statutory
guarantees to its independence. There needs to be a law that protects the broadcaster.
Individual scores:
Average score:

So This Is Democracy? 2008

3, 3, 1, 2, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3
(2006= 2.6)


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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