and senior journalists, is active and most editors are members of the forum. The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) has an operational South African chapter. Other organisations
are the Forum of Black Journalists (FBJ) which was revived in early 2008, the Association of
Independent Publishers and the National Community Radio Forum (NCRF).
However, there are presently no specialised trade unions which would look after the interests
of journalists and media workers in general.
Individual scores:
Average score:

1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2
(2006 = 3.4)


(2006 = 3.0)


(2OO6 = 3.2)

Developments since 2005 and the Way Forward
Positive developments in the media environment in the last two years:
• Succession battle in the ANC opened up more space for open and vigorous debate; more
politicians make themselves available for comments and information.
• More newspapers and publications on the market, especially in languages other than
English or Afrikaans.
• Number of South African blogs on the internet is rapidly increasing.
• Litigation in courts of law resulted in judgements supporting freedom of expression and
the media.
• Parliamentary Ad Hoc Committee recommended that real independence of the regulator
ICASA be re-established.
• More community radio stations thanks to an easier licensing process.
• Debate on race relations is more vigorous and more honest.
• Improvement in quantity and quality of investigative stories.
Negative developments in the media environment in the last two years:
• All media (with the exception of community radios) are increasingly run as commercial
• ICASA Amendment Act infringes on the independence of the regulator.
• Editorial independence of SABC in question due to unwarranted interferences by chief
executive news and current affairs and the board.
• Weaknesses in the Access to Information legislation.
• No specialised trade unions looking after the interests of journalists.
• Failure on the part of media lobby groups to project freedom of expression as a public
• Lack of coverage of social movements protests.
• Lack of understanding of the real meaning of democracy among top political leaders.
Activities needed over the next few years:
• Protection and enhancement of the independence of ICASA and SABC.
• Initiating revival or establishment of trade unions for journalists.
So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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