ICASA and the MDDA together with the National Community Radio Form (NCRF) have
also proactively sought applications from the most deprived areas with the result that 14 more
stations have been licenced.
The first community television station, Soweto TV, is majority-owned (70 %) by the TV production company Urban Brew, raising questions whether its status is really that of a community
Individual scores:
Average score:


5, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 4
(2006 = 4.6)

The editorial independence of print media published by a public
authority is protected adequately against undue political interference.

There are no major state-financed and controlled print media in South Africa, although at the
local level there is a growing number of small print media published by municipalities. The
number of these publications is not significant yet and therefore this indicator is not applicable
in South Africa.



(2006 = N/A)

Local and regional independent news agencies gather and distribute
information for all media.

There is one national news agency: The South African Press Association (SAPA), owned by
the big media houses.
Although there have been attempts to develop specialised news agencies (focussing either on
a geographic area or specific subject matter), only a few have so far succeeded. These include
African Eye News Service, Eastern Cape News Agency, Health-e, I-net Bridge, Backpage Pics
and Touchline.
Individual scores:
Average score:


5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5
(2006 = 3.2)

Media diversity is promoted through adequate competition

There are effective competition laws in place that provide for a competition commission to
ensure a vibrant market economy. The commission is regarded as a strong and independent body.
Although there are obvious tendencies towards monopolies especially in the print sector, no
So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3