taking the law into its own hands by withholding funding for the broadcaster. The
Ministry of Information and Civic Education did not help matters by defending and
congratulating the public broadcaster on the occasion of being denied funding.
Change agents and programmes for the future
• MISA Malawi has to take the country through to the passage of the Access to Information Bill
• Parliament has to drive through the amendment of the Communications Act to enact
public broadcasting away from state broadcasting and to reform MACRA
• Training institutions should seriously engage in mid courses for upgrading skill of
journalists rather than concentrating on offering formal qualifications only
• There is need for a national conference in Malawi at which a national media policy could
be forged by merging the ICT policy, broadcasting policy and other media policies that
could be lying around
• There is need to rethink the advertising quantities for radio from government and donors.
The current scenario favours print media and may stifle broadcast media

The panel meeting took place at Masongola Hotel, Zomba on May 17 and 18, 2008
The Panel:
Rhoda Zulu; Producer Story Workshop; June Lutwama, Director Star Radio and
Media Lecturer; Miriam Kamoto, banker; Mabvuto Bamusi, human rights and
justice activist; Mandla Mabulasa, lawyer; Levi Manda, Media analyst and lecturer;
Felix Mponda, news agency correspondent; Marcel Chisi, human rights avtivist; Al
Osman, owner Capital Radio
The Facilitator:
Fernando Gonçalves
The Rapporteur:
Costly Mtogolo
So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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