
The media cover the full spectrum of events, issues and cultures,
including business/economics, cultural, local and investigative stories

The diversity of content in the Malawi media is self-evident and has been well captured by
NAMISA’s annual media awards which recognise excellence in sports, environment, business,
education, investigation and photo-journalism.
There is specialization going on in the broadcast media, for example where issues of business,
health, the environment and culture are gaining popularity.
The coverage of these issues is also being recognised by the different training courses such as
on investigating corruption by such missions as the Cassals and Associates of the United States
Agency for International Development (USAID) and business reporting by the Programme on
Economic Governance of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Individual scores:
Average score:


4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3
(2006 = 3.3)

Gender mainstreaming is promoted in terms of equal participation of
both sexes in the production process

There are in Malawi role model lady media workers that are gaining or have gained recognition.
These include Villant Ndasowa (independent flm maker), Maria Chidzanja Nkhoma (Zodiak
Radio), Rhoda Zulu (Story Workshop) and June Lutwama (Director, Star Radio).
Over the past two years there have been lady journalists who have claimed media awards such
as Rebecca Theu (Nation Publications Limited) and Thereza Chirwa (Zodiak Radio).
There are also lady media trainers who have enthused many female students interested in
the media. The general mood is that it should be possible in the near future for both sexes to
compete evenly for media ventures.
Individual scores:
Average score:


3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4
(2006 = 2.3)

Gender mainstreaming is reflected in the editorial content

There has been increased coverage of women issues over the past two years as a result of increased participation of women in society. This is reflected in the editorial content of newspapers
such as Malawi News’ Female supplement or Weekend Nation’s ‘Society’ supplement. Women
So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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