
Independent news agencies gather and distribute information for all

News agencies gather news and distribute it unrestricted.
The Lesotho News Agency (LENA) offers services at very affordable prices:
a. LENA – M2000 per annum
b. Reuters – M8000 per month.
Score – 1,5,5,3,4,2,3,3 = 3.3


Media diversity is promoted through adequate competition regulation/

There is no Competition Regulation
Government is the largest local advertiser and thus the greatest source of advertising for local
media. It is therefore unfair competition for government to withhold advertising from private
players. The Lesotho government distributes its own newspaper.
Score – 2,1,1,2,1,1,2,2 = 1.5


Government promotes a political and economic environment which
allows a diverse media landscape.

The registration of a newspaper is a half-day process that does not even require a lawyer.
Broadcasting is clear on allocation of frequencies.
There was a project for a mobile radio station that was frustrated by procedures and never took
off. Regulations were developed for three years and the equipment is now a white elephant.
High fees in the broadcasting sector – radio and television - mean government is not providing
a conducive environment
Community Radio station licences are allowed a 20km radius. This capacity may full after
only a few of these are licensed.
Private owners lack capacity to became active in the media sector: two private TV stations
are currently being developed but are finding it hard to get a licence. They complain that fees
will be very prohibiting. Even in telecoms, licences are approved, but applicants cannot meet
implementation standards.
It is felt that Government is not doing enough to support private media.
Score – 2,2,1,1,1,1,1,3 = 1.8
So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3