serious head injuries on October 25 after being assaulted by four men alleged to be soldiers
from the Zimbabwe National Army. The reason for this assault has been reported as being that
the men accused Sikwila of wearing army replica pants without authorisation. The incident
occurred in the Midlands city of Gweru. It is reported that Sikwila was bundled into a car by
four men who drove off at a high speed towards the mining town of Shurugwi. The four men,
who it is alleged claimed to be soldiers, later threw Sikwila out of the moving vehicle resulting
in him sustaining serious head injuries.
Date: October 30, 2008
Person/institutions: Makomborero Mutimukulu

Violation/issue: Beaten
A sports reporter with the state owned weekly, The Sunday Mail, Makomborero Mutimukulu,
was on October 26 assaulted by three bouncers soon after a CBZ FA Cup quarter-final match
between Dynamos FC and Gunners FC. Mutimukulu said the bouncers accused him of “writing nonsense” as they assaulted him. Mutimukulu has professed ignorance as to what they
meant in their accusations and added that up to now he does not know which story could have
infuriated the bouncers.
Date: November 3, 2008
Person: Phillip Warington Taylor
Violation/issue: Detained/charged

A British journalist, Phillip Warington Taylor, was on October 30 arrested by members of
the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) at Harare International Airport on allegations of
practicing journalism in Zimbabwe without accreditation.
He was arrested aboard an aeroplane, which was about to take off, after he had spent 30 days in
Zimbabwe. Taylor, who is being represented by Lawyer Harrison Nkomo, denied the charges,
saying he was only a visitor and never practiced journalism during his stay in Zimbabwe. He
was granted Z$150,000 bail and ordered to surrender his travel documents.
Date: November 10, 2008
Person: Harrison Nkomo
Violation/issue: Threatened

MISA Zimbabwe received reports of the Police’s intention to arrest human rights lawyer, Harrison Nkomo, who was representing Phillip Warington Taylor, a British journalist who skipped
bail. Taylor was expected in court on November 5 but failed to turn up after informing Nkomo
through a text message that he had already left the country. Nkomo later told Harare Magistrate
Catherine Chimanda that Taylor had already left the country and was in South Africa. It was
reported that the Police wanted to charge Nkomo with defeating the course of justice under
Section 184 subsection 1 paragraph A of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act. The
Police officers from the law and order section reportedly visited Nkomo’s offices in Harare
looking for the lawyer who was reported out of town.
Date: December 4, 2008
Person: Jestina Mukoko and Shadrack Manyere
Violation/issue: Other (missing, abducted)

The Media Alliance of Zimbabwe (MAZ) released a statement expressing its shock and concern over the alleged abduction of veteran broadcaster and Zimbabwe Peace Project Director,
Jestina Mukoko, from her home in Norton on December 3, 2008. The veteran broadcaster’s
So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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