Date: October 31, 2008
Person/institutions: Julius Sakala
Violation: Harassed

Julius Sakala, the news editor of Phoenix radio station, was harassed and manhandled by the
police on October 31 as he tried to access the Mulungushi International Conference, the election management centre for the just-ended Zambia presidential by-election. Sanday Chongo,
a reporter with the same radio station, told MISA Zambia that police officers denied Sakala
entry into the premises even when he had all the necessary accreditation. Chongo said that the
police officers, who could not justify their actions, later allowed Sakala entry after they heard
him filing a radio programme by phone.
Date: November 1, 2008
Person/institutions: Media
Violation: Censored

On November 1, Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Mike Mulongoti advised
all radio stations to desist from allowing live interviews to people wishing to comment on the
presidential by-election results while the results were still trickling into the elections management centre in Lusaka.
According to a press statement obtained by MISA Zambia dated November 1, Mulongoti said
government was concerned that some people had been making inflammatory statements protesting against the results that were being released from various constituencies in Zambia. He
said the inflammatory statements could incite some members of the general public to engage
in violence.
Date: November 12, 2008
Person/institutions: Frank Bwalya
Violation: Arrested/Charged

On November 12, Police arrested the station manager of the Catholic-owned Radio Icengelo
in Kitwe, Father Frank Bwalya, in connection with allegedly inciting people during a live
post-election radio programme that has been running on the station for two weeks. Ndola
based Mission Press Director Father Miha Dravensk called MISA Zambia on the evening of
November 12 to report the incident. Bwalya was picked up after he finished presenting the
programme by the plain clothes police officers and taken to Kitwe Police station where he
was interrogated and briefly detained before he was taken to an unknown destination where
he was detained overnight.
Date: November 13, 2008
Person/institutions: Media

Violation: Threatened/Legislation
On November 13, Members of Parliament (MP) called for the regulation of media houses
through the use of statutory instruments as opposed to self regulation because of the alleged
biased coverage of the media in the just ended presidential by-election. According to a report
in the Zambia Daily Mail of November 15 and the live broadcast of Parliament radio which
MISA Zambia monitored, the MPs alleged that there was a need for media organisations to
be regulated by statutory instruments in order to stop journalists from publishing information
that could incite violence.

So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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