Date: October 1, 2008
Person/institutions: The Post newspaper/Fred M’membe
Violation: Charged

On September 30, the Lusaka High Court allowed Acting President Rupiah Banda to commence
contempt of court proceedings against The Post newspaper’s managing editor, Fred M’membe,
for defying a court injunction that restrained the media organisation from publishing alleged
libellous words against him. The Zambia Daily Mail reported that High Court Judge Charles
Kajimanga has granted Banda an application for leave to start proceedings following an application filed by the acting president’s lawyer, Christopher Mundia. In a statement of claim,
Mundia alleged that The Post had on several dates carried out unjustified, unprovoked and
libellous statements against Banda.
Date: October 1, 2008
Person/institutions: The Post
Violation: Threatened

On October 1, Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Mike Mulongoti reiterated his
earlier threats to close down the privately owned Post if it does not co-operate with the government and courts of law. Speaking in the western province of Zambia on Mongu’s radio Lyambai
good governance programme sponsored by MISA Zambia, Mulongoti said the government
would use laws in the statute books to stop the newspaper operating. “When you have a part
of the media which even when they are taken to court they still continue to act with impunity,
what are you saying? What you are encouraging is that people should take the law into their
own hands. We cannot allow that,” said Mulongoti.
MISA Zambia chairperson Henry Kabwe has expressed concern at the threats and urged the
minister to desist from issuing any further threats that undermine media freedom and freedom
of expression of citizens.
Date: October 3, 2008
Person/institutions: The Post
Violation: Censored

On October 3, The Post’s managing editor Fred M’membe lost the case in which he wanted
the contempt of court charge against him to be dismissed. Zambia President Rupiah Banda
filed contempt of court charge against M’membe for continuing to publish comments, which
he alleges were libellous, even after an injunction was granted to stop such publications.
Date: October 14, 2008
Person/institutions: State-owned media
Violation: Other

The Anti-Rigging Zambia civic grouping has sued the public media, the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) and the Attorney General for alleged unbalanced coverage, The Times
newspaper online reported on October 14. The organisation has sued the Zambia National
Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC), Times Printpak, Zambia Daily Mail, the ECZ and the
Attorney-General as first, second, third, fourth, and fifth respondents. Anti-Rigging Zambia
lawyers claim the allocation of unequal public air time on ZNBC radio and television to some
political parties, particularly the opposition, was contrary to the provisions of section 13 of
the Electoral Code of Conduct.

So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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