Impact of Covid 19 on Media Sustainability

Method and methodology

The methodology employed is mainly qualitative
research, with data used both for triangulation
and for elucidation. The methodology is aligned
with the purpose of the research, which aims
to be pragmatic without abandoning academic
rigor and aims to come up with evidence-based
recommendations. Behind the study was the
normative idea of news media as a merit good, and
in the regional context this means an emphasis
on the financial health of private, independent
news media as well as reform of State-owned
news media to fulfil its public interest role.
The method was, first, to survey the research
already undertaken on the Covid-19 impact on
global and the media in the region and the state
of media globally and in the region generally
and then to conduct semi-structured interviews


with senior journalists, media owners, media
experts, market experts, and media managers
in the region or with knowledge of the region.
This was followed up with specific contacts
for clarity where necessary. A time constraint
and the restrictions on travel prevented the
kind of in-depth knowledge that journalistic
“shoe-leather” provides but the interviews
with journalists and others knowledgeable
about the news media provided rich insights,
and I have tried to move beyond the anecdotal
evidence where possible by finding supporting
data elsewhere. Finally, I have tapped my
own experience as a business journalist and
former board member of the Mail & Guardian

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