Impact of Covid 19 on Media Sustainability

charges. It is unknown if Lagardien was targeted
because he was operating as a journalist, but
SANEF has expressed concern about a number
of assaults on, and robberies of equipment from,
journalists, this year, noting media professionals
were often victims of opportunistic criminals,
militia and security personnel. 88 Sometimes
journalists find themselves in the figurative
crossfire between authorities and citizens. Their
professional appearance in public as they attempt
to interview or merely find out what is happening
make journalists vulnerable. In July rocks were
thrown at the car and head of News24 journalist
Jenni Evans covering protests in Khayelitsha
in Cape Town. She was injured and her phone
was stolen.89 A Cape Town freelance journalist,
Jacques Marais, described in great detail how
police threatened, abused and prevented him
covering police heavy-handed treatment of
citizens in a lockdown story in Masiphumelele

(known as RSF) observed:

Abuse of law
Angela Quintal, the CPJ’s Africa Program
Coordinator noted in May: “The Covid-19
pandemic has given many governments across
Africa the cover of a legitimate global health
crisis to try to opportunistically control the press
and the public’s right to know.”
At the end of May, Reporters without Borders

Since launching Tracker-19, which logs press
freedom violations linked to the Covid-19
epidemic, RSF has registered more than 30
arbitrary arrests of journalists in sub-Saharan
Africa. Six of them have been in Zimbabwe,
which is proving to be one of the most hostile
environments, to the point that the High Court
issued an order on 20 April forbidding police
to harass or detain journalist in the course of
their work. Two Zimbabwean journalists were
arrested and detained in May, ostensibly for
breaking Covid-19 lockdown rules by entering a
hospital to interview members of the opposition
“who were being treated for injuries sustained
after being abducted and tortured by suspected
security agents.91
The arrest and detention of journalist Hopewell
Chin’ono after he revealed Covid-19 procurement
fraud within the Health Ministry hit the headlines
outside the country, drawing unfavorable
attention to the administration of President
Emmerson Mnangagwa. As it happens, Chin’ono
sees his falling out of favour with the government
caused by an attempt to reform State-controlled
Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation – something
the government clearly opposed – rather than
the Covid-19 revelations as such.92 Chin’ono was
arrested and his bail hearing delayed but others

88. SANEF, “SANEF Condemns Attack on Writer & Columnist Ismail Lagardien in Kleinmond’s Abalone Protest »
SANEF | Protecting Media Freedom,” SANEF | Protecting Media Freedom (blog), October 7, 2020,
sanef-condemns-attack-on-writer-columnist-ismail-lagardien-in-kleinmonds-abalone- protest/.
89. Coalition for Women in Journalism, “South Africa: News24 Reporter Jenni Evans Attacked on Ground. Protests in and around
Cape Town,” The Coalition for Women in Journalism, July 23, 2020, on-ground-protests-in-and-around-cape-town-should-not-lead-to-violence-towardsjournalists.
HOSTILITY AND HARASSMENT OF JOURNALISTS » SANEF | Protecting Media Freedom,” SANEF | Protecting Media Freedom
(blog), April 10, 2020, enforcement-members-saps-metro-police-and-army-tostop-their-hostility-and-harassment-of-journalists/.
91. Columbus Mavhunga, “Zimbabwe Detains 2 Journalists for Breaking COVID Lockdown Rules | Voice of America - English,” Voice
of America, May 23, 2020, journalists-breaking-covid-lockdown-rules.
92. Ranga Mberi, “The Symbol of a Disillusioned Zimbabwe -Journalist Hopewell Chin’ono Backed President Emmerson
Mnangagwa When He Succeeded Robert Mugabe. Now He’s in Jail.” The Continent, August 8, 2020, 17.


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