Impact of Covid 19 on Media Sustainability

and micro enterprises”.83 This description would encompass community media in other African
countries too. A study of selected radio stations in Uganda and Zambia, termed “proximity” stations,
but which fall into the broad category of community stations, found, “Almost all proximity radios
face challenges of staff quality, high turnover, difficulties attracting advertising and sponsorship,
and difficulties paying their personnel.”84 A separate report by the researchers on the impact of
Covid-19 on the eight radio stations in Uganda and Zambia surveyed found resilience, though sources
of ad revenue such as hotels, breweries or seed companies, had come under pressure. Promises of
government aid had not materialized in Uganda, but some had been forthcoming in Zambia. Only
one of the stations, Mama FM, was sustained by donor aid.85

83. Frans Krüger, “SA’s Rich Bag of Big, Small and Eclectic Community Radio Stations - Wits University,” Wits University, February
16, 2020, of-big-small-and-eclectic-community-radiostations.html.
84. Mary Myers and Nicola Harford, “Local Radio Stations in Africa: Sustainability or Pragmatic Viability?” (Center for
International Media Assistance (CIMA), June 2020)
85.Mary Myers, Nicola Harford, and Martin Ssemakula, “Local Radio Stations in Africa Prove Resilient amid
Covid-19,”Center for International Media Assistance (blog), May 19, 2020,


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