Impact of Covid 19 on Media Sustainability

The crisis

The impact on the news media of the Covid-19
pandemic in many countries in the world was
felt almost immediately, with the assessment
by digital media expert Craig Silverman of the
media impact as a “media extinction event”
quickly becoming currency.14 15
The impact of the Covid-19 crisis globally was twofold. First, the regulations, including lockdowns,
affected the ability of news organizations to
distribute newspapers and the mobility of
readers to buy newspapers. With shops and
transport hubs closed, many newspapers in the
UK, for example, reported circulation declines
for April, the month many countries were in
lockdown. The circulation of the world-renowned

Financial Times dropped by 39% and a range of
other titles were down between that extreme
and minus 12%.16
In South Africa, the strict lockdown saw declines
in newspaper purchases and distribution, and
initially a complete ban on magazines.17 It might
be imagined that consumers in the region were
financially stretched and considered print
products an unnecessary expense. Will street
sales rebound, especially given that the income
of many readers has been slashed thanks to
the Covid-19 crisis? Those interviewed for this
survey put more emphasis on the advertising
crisis, though the reduction in disposable income
must be a factor. As important as cost, it seems

14. Silverman, “The Coronavirus Is a Media Extinction Event,” Buzz Feed News, March 23, 2020,
15I. FPM, “International Fund for Public Interest Media,” accessed October 4, 2020,
16. Mark Sweney, “UK National Newspaper Print Sales Plunge amid Coronavirus Lockdown,” The Guardian, May 21, 2020, sec. Media, plunge-amid-coronavirus-lockdown.
17. Reg Rumney, “SANEF’S COVID 19 Impact on Journalism Report (Interim)” (Johannesburg: South African National Editors Forum,
June 1, 2020), 10.


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