3.0 Findings
3.1. Media Environment during the third quarter 2016
The third quarter without a doubt, comes off as arguably the most turbulent period in the history of
the media in Zambia in terms of state intervention and outright violations against the media’s
independence and freedom to conduct itself in a safe and conducive environment. This is due to the
unprecedented heavy handedness by the state that resulted in the suspension of licences at once for
three broadcast stations by the Independent Broadcasting Authority, IBA. The affected stations
were MUVI Television Limited Company, Komboni Radio of Lusaka District in Lusaka Province
as well as Itezhi tezhi Community Radio Station of Itezhi tezhi District in Central Province.

This action was against the backdrop of the raid against the Post Newspaper by the Zambia Revenue
Authority for alleged Tax non-compliance by the firm which has rendered the newspaper nonoperational for close to three months now. It almost seems as if the trend of heavy state interference
had been set in motion and was continued by the government.

The Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) suspended the broadcasting licenses for Muvi TV,
Komboni Radio and Itezhi Tezhi Radio respectively on 22nd August 2016 for what it termed as
"unprofessional conduct posing a risk to national peace and stability". The IBA cited section 29
(1)(j) of the IBA amendment act of 2010 which cites that "the IBA board may cancel a broadcasting
license if the cancellation of the license is necessary in the interest of public safety, security, peace,
welfare or good order".1 According to the press statement, IBA Board Chairman Brigadier General
Mutale alleged that the IBA observed that before, during and after the elections the three media
institutions conducted themselves in an unprofessional manner contrary to provisions of the IBA
Act. The Chairman further warned other broadcasting houses that it would not hesitate to take
decisive action against any of them found to be unprofessional in their conduct.2

Meanwhile, President Edgar Lungu told journalists in New York where he had gone to attend the
UN meetings that the suspension of the license was done in the best interest of the nation. The

1 IBA Press Statement of 22nd August on the suspension of broadcast licenses of MUVI TV, Komboni Radio Station
and Itezhi tezhi Community Radio Station
2 IBA Press Statement, 22nd August 2016


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