State of the media Interview guide for media houses/personnel
Name and Rank of respondent……………….................

(To be withheld on demand)

1. How would you describe the levels of freedom of expression and of media in the 3rd
quarter of 2016?
2. What technology were you using in your work to enhance information dissemination?
3. What have been the levels of your outreach during the quarter?
4. Have you improved or reduced your outreach? If so why/if not why?
5. What are your views on how the political environment affected media operations?
6. What are your views on how legal environment was in the quarter for media operations?
7. How would you describe the economic environment in the quarter for the media?
8. What challenges besides the above did the media face in the period under review?
Please ensure you have given as much information as is relevant to each question
Review your responses to ensure clarity and once done save and email back to


Select target paragraph3