According to information gathered, Mumba was only rescued by onlookers after he passed out
and the matter was later reported to the Police in Chainda.


4th August 2016 (Lusaka Times)

Media freedom violation alert
Police summons
Following MISA's statement earlier today condemning Police complacency in dealing with
attacks and political violence against journalists, police summoned MISA Chairperson, Hellen
Mwale to appear before the DCIO at force headquarters on 5th August 2016.
Earlier, Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga issued a reaction to the MISA statement.


19th August 2016 (The Post Newspaper)

Legal matters
Defamation of the President Case
The matter in which two Post Newspaper journalists, Mukosha Funga and Joan Chirwa, are
charged with defamation of the President comes up on 18th August before Magistrate Mulife. The
duo are jointly charged with Fourth Revolution President, Eric Chanda. The matter could not take
off on Tuesday as the trial magistrate was said to be unwell.
The penal code provision on defamation of the president (section 69) is one of the laws that MISA
has been advocating against as a duplication, an unconstitutional provision which limits freedom
of expression and media freedom and creates a serious chilling effect on the practice of journalism
in Zambia.


23rd August 2016 (Daily Nation, The Post Newspaper, Zambia Daily Mail)

Media freedom violation alert
IBA Suspends broadcasting licenses
The Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) suspended broadcasting licences for Muvi TV,
Komboni Radio and Itezhi Tezhi Radio respectively for it terms as "unprofessional conduct
posing a risk to national peace and stability".


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