The fact of lack of freedom of expression in the quarter under review is not in dispute. What might
be in dispute are the different views on the levels of lack of this right for the journalism profession.
The quarter, as the previous two in the year had these challenges demonstrated here

Perhaps the most apt depiction can be summed up in the following from one of the respondents
who simply states, “Generally, there has [been] a decline in the levels of freedom of expression and
media freedoms in the second quarter of 2016. I have observed that individuals and organisations
who present divergent views have been silenced or threatened mainly by supporters of the
governing party.”16

4.0. Broadcast Media
There was not much happening in this sector of the media except for the sad tales of closures of
broadcast media houses sufficiently handled elsewhere in this report. We shall therefore not
belabour the point except to note that it was an extremely challenging period for the broadcast
media sector as earlier illustrated.

According to the IBA list obtained for the quarter under review, there weren’t any changes in the
numbers of the broadcast media in the country as was last observed. The number of television
outlets remained at 33 with 17 television stations operational, 94 Radio stations countrywide out of
which 88 are operational. From 17 operational television channels, 11 TV Channels are on the DTT
platform. This is a significant achievement.17 According to the IBA, broadcasting houses are
providing platforms on which people are expressing their views. Various individuals are invited to
radio and TV stations to appear on programs while others are given the opportunity to call in and
text their views. However, IBA notes that the political environment has been generally hostile to
the broadcast media in particular. Broadcasters and guests at TV and radio stations have been
subjected to attacks by mainly political entities or supporters of various political parties.

16 Anonymous, 1st July 2016
17 Mr. Eustace Nkandu Director, Standards and Licensing, IBA, 12th July 2016


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