MAURITIUS Another piece of legislation with the potential to restrict freedom of expression is the “Outrage Against Religious Morality” Act. This law allows anybody to go to the police and lay charges against any person/s they accuse of insulting their religious feelings. It is, however, very rarely used. SCORES: Individual scores: 2,3,2,1,3,2,2,2,2,2 Average score: 2.1 1.4 Entry into and practice of the journalistic profession is legally unrestricted. ANALYSIS: There is no restriction on entry into and practice of the journalistic profession. Individual scores : 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,4] Average score: 4.9 1.5 Protection of confidential sources of information is guaranteed by law. ANALYSIS: Mauritius has no legal protection for confidential sources of information or whistleblowers other than that spelt out in the Prevention of Corruption Act (PoCA). In this law, provision is made for the protection of a whistleblower who reports a corruption or fraud case to the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). This public institution is mandated to fight fraud and corruption and can investigate such cases indeAfrican Media Barometer - Mauritius 2008 7