and every other member shall hold office for not more than two
years but shall be eligible for reappointment.
The ethnic diversity of the Mauritian population has always been
reflected on the board and successive governments have sought to
maintain a sort of ethnic equilibrium between Hindus, Muslims, Chinese and others on this board.
The Director General of the MBC is appointed by the Prime Minister.
It is obvious from the above that MBC is a government-controlled
Individual scores: 			


Average score: 			


3.6 Persons who have vested interests of a political or 			
commercial nature are excluded from possible membership 		
in the board, i.e. office bearers with state and political
parties as well as those with a financial interest in the
broadcasting industry.
A person who is not a citizen of the Republic of Mauritius, is an official member of a political party or a member of the National Assembly shall not be qualified to be a member of the MBC board.
Despite these exclusions, persons who are appointed to the board
are always members or sympathisers of the ruling alliance.
There are some board members whose relatives have financial interests in the broadcasting industry, mainly in advertising.

African Media Barometer - Mauritius 2008

Select target paragraph3