MAURITIUS 2.7 Local or regional independent news agencies gather and distribute information for all media. ANALYSIS: There are no news agencies currently operating in Mauritius. Not applicable 2.8 Media diversity is promoted through adequate competition regulation/legislation. ANALYSIS: There are two major media conglomerates in Mauritius that dominate the market: La Sentinelle – owns newspapers L’Express, L’Express Dimanche and 5-Plus Dimanche as well a major part of Radio One through a sister company, Viva Voce . Le Defi Media Group – owns newspapers le Defi-Plus and l’Hebdo as well as a major part of Radio Plus. The fact that both these groups own major parts of radio stations contravenes the provision in the IBA Act that no owner of a newspaper can hold more than 25 % of shares in a radio station. There is no limit on ownership of newspapers. SCORES: Individual scores: 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,2 Average score: 2.2 14 African Media Barometer - Mauritius 2008