was out of service. Websites do have information, but not
really anything that might pike the interests of the public.


There is little relevant information linked to
This information is not updated.
In many cases there is general information about
events and institutional documents on organisational
In some cases, there are documents, such as reports
and studies of public interest.
Presence on social media is limited or non-existent.

Category 2: Requests for Information
Researchers are of the opinion that although the law on
the right to information is very new and can be accepted
as a mitigating factor, it does not justify that institutions
did not even acknowledge receipt of the requests for
information. At the same time, it is noted that there is
no evidence that these institutions have put in place
any mechanisms to facilitate the process of making
information available. The researchers conclude that the
government has not created the required conditions for
the exercise of the right to access public information.
These are some of the more pertinent findings:
• None of the institutions responded within the 21 days
established by law;
• Only one institution responded to the request,
doing so after 23 days, i.e. two days after the limit
established by law;
• Most of the institutions that accepted to be visited do
not have information files in an organised fashion.

All of the institutions assessed in Mozambique scored below
average. MISA Mozambique thus decided to not to award a
Golden Key, but rather to select one institution for an Honorary
Mention. Two institutions, namely the Banco de Moçambique and
the Fundo de Promoção Desportiva stood out as contenders in
this category.

However, in recognition of its willingness
to reply and with points in both categories,
the Honorary Mention goes to the Fundo de
Promoção Desportiva.

Two institutions in Mozambique, namely the Ministério das
Obras Públicas, Habitação e Recursos Hídricos (Ministry of Public
Works, Housing and Water Resources) and Missão Moçambique
had a zero score. However, the former has a working website,
which coincidentally was under construction at the time of the

The recipient of the Golden Padlock Award
for 2016 is the Missão Moçambique.

(Please note that MISA Mozambique marked respondents on
8 criteria instead of 10 in the information request analysis ;
therefore category 2 is marked out of 16 instead of 20 as in the
regionally applied methodology.)

Select target paragraph3