Coming back to politics, news gathering on the field is usually
seen to be balanced and fair enough but the news reports and programmes broadcast are surprisingly one-sided and generally ignoring the views of opposition leaders. The panellists did not agree as
to whether opposition leaders were heard on CRTV or not. Some
thought they were not, while others said the problem was actually that their views were not broadcast at the same time as those
of the government. A panellist was really convinced that artificial
technical problems were being created at CRTV to render the views
of opposition politicians inaudible.
Individual scores:			

2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

Average score: 			



The public broadcaster offers as much diverse and creative
local content as economically achievable.

Local content accounts for less than 50% of CRTV’s daily broadcast.
Such a situation has been blamed on technical problems. At one
moment, the shortage of TV cameras was really acute. CRTV has a
battery of highly qualified producers, but during the sixteen years
of Professor Gervais Mendo Ze’s reign (1988-2005) as General Manager, the creative spirit among the producers was simply killed and
buried so to speak. A few of those who were considered loyal to the
establishment had their production projects funded. Producers and
journalists went for months without a single production. Yet, they
were well paid. Again, there was a one-man show, especially at the
television. Prof. Mendo Ze was at the centre of all productions and
every original idea was his and he insisted on being projected as the
general supervisor of all productions. In some cases, staff made him
part of every production crew, even those he only discovered on the
air. The intention was to gain favours from him. With current General Manager, Mr. Amadou Vamoulke, things are changing and there
African Media Barometer - Cameroon 2008 			


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