
The advertising market is large enough to maintain a 		
diversity of media outlets.

As of November 2008, the money value of adverts in Cameroon was
one billion seven hundred million CFA francs (1.7 billion CFA francs)
($34.000). This is quite a lot, but a problem arises when one looks
into the media organs benefiting from it. At one moment, members
of government were assigned media outlets to give them adverts.
In Cameroon, media organs are deprived of adverts because of the
political stance of the publisher. “L’Effort Camerounais” and “Radio Veritas” do not receive adverts from the government because
Cardinal Christian Tumi who heads these outlets is seen to be too
critical of the government. The flimsy excuse being given is that the
government does not want to be seen to be supporting the Catholic
Business persons do avoid those media organs which appear to be
critical of the government with the excuse that they do not want to
be seen to be supporting the opposition. Any media organ critical of
the powers that be is considered an arm of the opposition. Advertisers believe if they were to give such media outlets adverts, they
would be taxed out of business.
Individual scores:			

1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2

Average score:			


Overall score for sector 2:


African Media Barometer - Cameroon 2008 			


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