Final Draft/Rev.5

name servers and dissemination of TLD zone files

"signal" includes any signs, sounds, text, images, information or data
of any configuration sent, or to be sent, for conveyance by a
licensed system;
"special event broadcast licence" means a broadcasting licence issued
for an event that does not last for more than seven days and
which is broadcast(a)

outside a licensee's coverage area; or
in partnership with a foreign broadcaster;

"sponsored programme" means a programme that has all or part of its
costs paid by a sponsor, with a view to promoting that sponsor's,
or another sponsor's name, product or service;

"station format" means an arrangement of programmes which are
presented on a broadcasting station;
“subscriber” means a person who uses or accesses a
telecommunication service provided by licensee;
“suspend” means to temporarily disable a regulated service to a
subscriber by a licensee.
"territory" means the geographical area of Botswana;
“undeliverable postal item” means an item which is considered
undeliverable in terms of section 63 (3) of the Act;
“universal access” means public access to quality and affordable
communication systems and services;
“universal service” means access to use communication systems and
services of good quality on an individual, household or
institutional basis including, among others, to the provision of—

public voice telephony;


internet access; or


other services by which the public access efficient,
affordable and modern communications systems and

“Universal Postal Union” or “UPU” means the specialized agency of
the United Nations on postal services;
“un-served areas” means geographic areas where no designated level

Select target paragraph3