Final Draft/Rev.5

on lines

works, etc. to
conform to

37. (1) Where a telecommunication line is or may be interfered with or
endangered by a tree or undergrowth, the licensee may, at its expense,
cause such tree or undergrowth to be cut down or trimmed.
The licensee shall seek the permission of the plot owner or
occupier of the land to carry out the necessary cutting down or
trimming of obstructing trees.

38. (1) Any person intending to erect, move or alter any line for the
transmission of electricity shall, before erecting, moving or altering
such line, obtain the written approval of the licensee, in order to ensure
that the proposed line shall not injuriously affect any existing or
proposed telecommunication line.
(2) Where any line for the transmission of electricity is so
constructed as to injuriously affect any telecommunication line or
proposed telecommunication line, the owner of such line for the
transmission of electricity shall make such alterations thereto as the
licensee may determine:
Provided that if it is more economical or practical to do so, the
licensee shall, at its own expense, move or alter the telecommunication
line in question.
(3) The cost of any alteration made to, or movement of, existing
lines for the transmission of electricity to avoid interference with
proposed telecommunication lines shall be borne by the licensee
provided that the electricity line was lawfully erected; except that in all
other cases the cost of alteration or movement shall be borne by the
owner of the electricity line.

Height and
depth of lines

39. (1) The height and depth of telecommunication lines shall be as
follows (a)

along any land, street, road or footpath, at least 3 metres;

Select target paragraph3