Final Draft/Rev.5


any person involved in a crime; or


any person who has been convicted of a criminal

in order to obtain information, unless there is a compelling reason in
the public interest to do so.
Emergencies or
public disaster

A licensee shall provide a public notice of emergency service or
made by any Government department, free of charge.

Special event

24. No agreement or contract of broadcast rights relating to special
event broadcasting shall be entered into unless the service provider has
been issued with a licence by the Authority.

satellite feed

(1) A licensee shall not carry out an external satellite feed
without a special event broadcast licence.
(2) A licensee shall apply to the Authority, in writing, to carry
out an external satellite feed.
(3) An application under subregulation (2) shall be accompanied
by the following particulars-

Party political


the name of the licensee; and


the type of external satellite feed which the licensee intends
to carry out.

26. (1) A licensee shall not be obliged to broadcast a party political
(2) Where a licensee elects to broadcast a party political notice
there shall be no discrimination either against or in favour of any
particular political party.
(3) No broadcast of a party political notice shall exceed three
minutes for every 60 minutes programming.
(4) A party political notice shall be clearly distinguished from other
programmes aired by the broadcaster such that it is clearly identified
as a party political notice.
(5) A party political notice shall only be broadcast outside the
election period.

All party political notices of different political parties shall 15

Select target paragraph3