Communique-3rd May (Lusaka Times)
President Edgar Lungu has called for the protection of Journalists in the country against all forms
of attacks. President Lungu said intimidation and violent attacks towards journalists should come
to a stop as the media is a key component of the state.
He stated that once an individual engages in violent activities towards journalists, it becomes an
act of criminality that will be prosecuted regardless of one’s political affiliation.
President Lungu was speaking during the commemoration of World Press Freedom Day in Lusaka
today. The President has assured of government’s support for press freedom in the country……
Communique-3rd May (Lusaka Times)
The Human Rights Commission (HRC) has called for the protection and safety of journalists ahead
of the forthcoming August 12, 2021 general elections.
HRC Spokesperson, Mweelwa Muleya said members of the public especially political party cadres
should accord the media the due respect as the fourth estate of government after the Executive,
Legislature and Judiciary. Mr Muleya has since called for enhanced protection of all Journalists
ahead of the August general elections.
“In a democracy such as Zambia, the government has a primary responsibility to promote and
protect the right to freedom of expression without any form of interference or hindrance. The
media also has a noble duty of promoting free expression of divergent and pluralistic ideas and
views without any form of discrimination,” Mr. Muleya said……….
Communique-3rd April (Lusaka Times)
The government has urged the Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja to arrest United
Party for National Development (UPND) presidential spokesperson Mubita Nawa and a UPND
cadre for defamation of the President.
A video has since gone viral, where Mr. Nawa acting together with another man a “Mulenga” was
allegedly insulting and defaming the Republican President contrary to the laws of Zambia. Police
are currently investigating the matter……
Communique-4th May (Daily Nation)
PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has lashed out at media owners who are also presidential aspirants, using
their newspaper to attack rivals in an unfair and biased manner.
“It is disconcerting and unprofessional that some individuals privileged to own newspapers have
suddenly become politicians and using their publications to attack their rivals which gives undue
advantage to such politicians in an election as it creates a very slanted play field, where they quote
the same people to create stories” President Lungu said……
Communique-5th April (Lusaka Times)
United Party for National Development (UPND) National Spokesperson, Cornelius Mweetwa has
described the PF and its government as an enemy of the media in the country and has since
demanded for a conducive working environment for both private and public media houses and
State of the Media in Zambia


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