Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country minimally meets aspects of the indicator.


Country meets many aspects of indicator but
progress may be too recent to judge.


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator and has
been doing so over time.

Average score: 			


Efforts are undertaken to increase the scope
of circulation of the print media, particularly to rural
Distribution problems due to the remoteness of certain areas and the involvement
of third parties throughout the distribution chain result in the late delivery of the
print media in certain parts of the country (for instance the South of the country
in areas such as Tamanrasset). Nevertheless, the situation is gradually going back
to normal. The government has made significant efforts to ensure the distribution
of state media in remote regions and even in the most isolated hamlets in the
country. However, the public authorities have shown no particular sign of eagerness
to facilitate the circulation of newspapers published by the private media. An
equalization fund established in the 90s to harmonize the cost of consumer goods,
including newspapers, nationwide had no effect in the media sector.
A total of 3 distribution companies work throughout the country, 5 in the Eastern
part of the country, 4 in the Western part and 1 in the Southern part of the country.
8 wholesale distributors complete this network.
Local printing houses also help to reduce delivery distances and hence improve
the circulation of the print media. It is however, true that, given the number of
papers published in Algeria, there are definitely not enough printing houses in the
country. There are essentially five public printers (Société d’Impression d’AlgerSIA, Société d’Impression d’Alger–SIMPRAL and Algérienne de Presse-ENAP
in Algiers; Société d’Impression de l’Ouest–SIO in Oran and Société d’Impression
de l’Est-SIE in Constantine) and six privately-owned printing houses of which
three belong collectively to El Khabar and El Watan (ALDP in Algiers, with two
units El Achour and Gué of Constantine, the printing house of the newspaper
Quotidien d’Oran and one in Constantine), and the printing unit of the newspaper



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