the legislator allows the professional journalist to consult documents from the
civil service on condition, however, that these documents are not part of classified
documents and protected by law.
Article 36 of the said Act mentions that the right to access information sources
does not include information that may:
- breach or threaten national security, national unity or the security of the
- reveal a national defence, economic, strategic or diplomatic secret;
- infringe the constitutional rights and liberties of citizens;
- adversely affect the confidentiality of judicial investigations and inquiries.
Concerning the practical modalities for access to public sources of information,
the legislator refers to the regulations and to the Higher Information Council
(CSI). However, the implementing orders were never signed by the authorities
because the CSI was dissolved, among other reasons. The ultimate outcome of this
situation is that access to sources of information is problematic both in the public
and private sector.
The public authorities, however, provide the media with a significant volume of
official information through the press agency (Algérie Presse Service - APS), communiqués, government statements, etc...
Measures have been taken by the administration to facilitate communication
between its services on the one hand, and citizens and journalists on the other
hand. Hence, all government services have, since 1995, been required to have
a communication unit and recent organisational charts of ministries. Each
unit includes a communications and media relations advisor, who heads this
communication unit. Some panel members indicated that the Ministry of Home
Affairs has not had a communications person for a while now.
These civil servants are generally quite well-ranked, except for the Ministery of
Home Affairs.
Despite all of these measures, some panellists still believe that access to public
information is also a challenge regarding the issue of freedom of expression
and freedom of the media. It is more than ever legitimate to question the value
of information supplied through official channels, as they are well-versed in
manipulating public opinion and the media.



Select target paragraph3